“O you who believe! when the call is made for prayer on Friday, then hasten to the remembrance of God and leave off business trading; that is best for you, if yee but knew.”
The Holy Qu'ran 62:9
Thousands of years before there was any mention of a “Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah” there was the Conquering Lion of Inanna. This lion served as a herald of the goddess of aesthetic beauty, sexual fertility, and warfare. Inanna and her later Babylonian equivalent, Ishtar, represent an ancient people’s attempt to anthropomorphicize a specific expression of nature.
I have coined the term “Natelligence” (an expression of nature’s intelligence) to replace the sloppy use of the terms “god” and “goddess” which do not apply to ANY ancient Black pantheons. Show me a “god” or a “goddess” and I’ll show you a hot commodity in the global marketplace. What do I mean, by that? I explore this in my coming post Niggas & Nikes: The Sado-Sorcery of American Commerce.
I only used the term “goddess” in the subtitle so that those of you who have been miseducated by others will have some common reference point for what I’m talking about. If you don’t understand what I’m saying, then my message to you is pointless. If I start off too accurate with my explanations and descriptions without giving you a backstory, then I will confuse a lot of people who are unwittingly married to falsehoods through familiar words that are easy to grasp. However these words don’t capture the thoughts and intentions of the ancient people we connect them to.
A curry chicken roti that was well prepared by a dead Trinidadian chef should not be called a “burrito” just because a roti looks very similar to the more familiar delicacy of Mexican cuisine. To call it a burrito is disrespectful to the memory of the Trinidadian chef and betrays sincere ignorance concerning Mexican cuisine. When we take this lazy approach to identifying things we THINK we understand we miss out on subtle cultural nuances that allow us to identify things accurately.
Inanna was a Sumerian natelligence, but according to Sir Henry Rawlinson—the British Sumeriologist who first translated the cuneiform script in the 19th century—the Sumerians were related to the ancient Ethiopians. The Conquering Lion was emblazoned on the Ethiopian flag during the reign of Haile Selassie. Selassie was the custodian of a legacy that extends way beyond the Bible. Queen Makeda of Ethiopia, who was believed to be the daughter of a human and a jinn, already had long copyrighted patents of nobility before she crossed paths with the meta-historical “King Solomon” of Bible legend.
An ancient people who were related to Makeda’s Ethiopians were the Kena Anu, who are better known as the Phoenicians of classical Greek literature. The Kena Anu revered a sexy bare-breasted deity who loves to fuck and slay enemies. She rides a conquering lion while holding a lily in one hand and a serpent in the other. This Kena Anu natelligence was known as “Anath.”
With the onset of Christianity, Anath became “Anathema” to the Catholic facade of sexual conservatism. Unless you’ve experienced an intense orgasm, you have no reference point for spiritual illumination. Illumination is the experience of energy waves rushing out of you and rush through you at the same time. Anath was also called “Astarte” by the Kena Anu.
When we look at the photo above we see the same conquering lion beneath the pre-Islamic Arabian natelligence, Allat, who also embodies the principles of love, combat and sexual fertility. I obtained Brill’s Encyclopedia of Islam Volume 1 from the University of Iran’s online library and was shocked to find that I couldn’t find any mention, much less an entire entry, concerning Allat in the seemingly exhaustive volume which covered words beginning with letters A to B.
According to The Pantheon of Palmyra by Javier Teixidor, an idol in honor of Allat was brought to ancient Syria by “Atai the Elder.” Atai is also the name of a feminine natelligence known to the Efik people of Southeastern, Nigeria. Atai’s mythology centers around the formation of humans and fertility. Again, Allat was a natelligence of fertility. Go tell Boko Haram.
Considering that “Allat” may actually have been known as “al-Lat” (The word “Al” being the Arabic equivalent of the English function word “the”) I was able to track down Brill’s Encyclopedia of Islam Volume 5, which identifies “Allat” as “al-Lāt.” According to the book, veneration for al-Lat was so strong in Hejaz, Saudi Arabia that the prophet Muhammad was forced to leave her shrines alone when he initially began the spread of Islam.
It is widely believed among the compilers of Arabic dictionaries that the name “al-Lat” derives from a root verb that means to “mix” or “stir” which suggests the preparation of something to be “consumed” or “swallowed.”
The root of the German word “God” is “Gut” (pronounced “goot”) from which we get the English word “gut” to refer to the “belly.” This particular point may carry profound significance for those who read my book The Treasures of Darkness. Also when Muslims make their circumambulation around the Kaaba in Mecca—which originally served as a shrine for 3 pre-Islamic natelligences that embody the feminine principle—this motion can be described as a “stirring” or a “mixing” of people with an invisible spatula in a desert bowl of deific reverence and worship.
Before the advent of Islam, Arabs made pilgrimages to the shrine of the three-faced feminine natelligence. Each face represented a distinct potency of one being.
We find this triune divinity in the West African priesthoods of Mami Wata. In Kemet the intelligence that West Africans call “Mami Wata” was known as gender fluid divinity Hapi. In ancient Sumer Mami was polarized into Apsu, god of the fresh water and Tiamat, goddess of the deep dark sea. In pre-Islamic Arabia there are correspondences that are evident by mindfully reading this post.
The name “Mami Wata” comes out of West African Pidgeon English which is no more than 400-plus years old. Anyone who tells you that Mami Wata is an ancient name is either lying to you or they mean well and don’t know what they are talking about. Those who have gone through rites of passage in that system know that there are far older names for the divinity in accord with the ethnic groups who work with the Natelligence. In West and Central Africa there are many.
One of the reasons why Mami Wata is synonymous with MATERIAL WEALTH and WATER in West Africa today is because there were many people in that region of the world who appropriated the divinity after they got fat and wealthy from the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade. The biggest customers of these unscrupulous West African flesh peddlers were pale strangers from Europe who came in from the sea on shipping boats replete with mermaid iconography. Enough about that. You’re smart, so you’ve already connected those dots and much more by reading my critically acclaimed book Da Homey in Modern Dahomey.
Why is Jumu’ah, the Islamic holy prayer, held on a Friday? Why is the official color of Islam green? Why is there a crescent moon at the top of most mosques and on the flags of so many Muslim countries?
The answer to these well-bred questions have been locked behind bars of deceit by Islamic gatekeepers for centuries. The fact of the matter is that the noble spiritual system that became the organized religion we know as Islam fleshed out its core by adopting the cultural elements of so-called goddess worship, specifically the goddess of beauty, material wealth, and the sexual libido.
Orthodox Muslims will usually say that Allah simply means “God,” in Arabic, but the general word for God in Arabic is “Ilah” not “Allah.” Allah is the name of a SPECIFIC deity and that deity was once known as Allat before her name was changed by a distinct group of Arab men who rejected the doctrine of the divine feminine because of the political power it afforded women in their society.
Al-Uzza was both the goddess of beauty and war and her sacred color was green. Her day of worship was Friday.
The Arabian divinities were primarily worshipped by a Meccan tribe known as the Quraysh, which is ironically, the same tribe that the prophet Muhammad of 1,400 years ago belonged to. This is why in Surah 62:9 of the Qu'ran he tells the believers not to do business on Friday. It was the day devoted to the goddess of material wealth.
In his book The Theology of Time Elijah Muhammad told people about the triple stages of darkness that existed before the sun, moon, and stars came into being. What he may have been referring to was the Triple Black Goddesses (Allat, Al-Manat, Al-Uzza) which is the Ain of the Qabalah signified by a jet black stone in Mecca.
The Ain-Soph is the eternal moment experienced just before the creation of our universe. We all re-experience this sacred moment at the split second just before sexual orgasm. However, a sexual orgasm even at its best is a failed attempt to recapture the euphoria that the Triple Black Goddesses felt when they conceived the Grand Architect of our Physical Universe which unfolded Ain Soph further into the Ain Soph Aur.
According to J.E. Cirlot's Dictionary of Symbols the crescent moon symbolizes, among other things, the feminine principal and the aquatic realm. This is the watery abyss of Pisces which is ruled by the underworld god, Neptune (who represents your Dark Side, your subconscious mind which has no boundaries).
The moon, which is a prominent symbol in Islam, is a reflector, nurturer and incubator of light. With regards to Islamic teaching, that light is God (Surah 24: 35). In Arabia the female name Kamaria (Ka/Soul + Maria/Mary) means “like the moon.” Kamaria is “like the moon” in the respect that she can nurture and give birth to a god.
Catholics speak of Mary as the Mother of God, and metaphysically speaking, they are correct. Mary the Mother of God and the three moon goddesses of pre-Islamic Arabia are variations on the same theme. It is also worth noting that the Holy Trinity hand gesture practiced by many Rastafarian men resembles the female vagina in its shape. This is because the original Holy Trinity is the Triple Black Goddess.
“The Mother Plane” alluded to by Elijah Muhammad in his book The Fall of America, was not a spaceship, but a metaphorical reference to Atziluth the highest “plane,” the first plane, “the mother plane,” of the Four Worlds in Qabalistic teaching. The Four WORLDS of Qabala is a reinterprestation of the The Four WORDS of Dogon cosmology. Words build Worlds according to ancient Men Nefer psychology.
Elijah Muhammad was sharing ideas that the majority of people of his time could not comprehend so he taught his first students abstract spiritual truths in the form of what some might consider sci-fi allegories.
The "Asiatic" Black Man, is the Black man who occupies the Qabalistic world of “Assiah,” the world of solids, liquids, and gases. The Asiatic/Assiahatic Black man is a microcosmic, holographic projection of the orignal man, the Adam Kadmon of the archetypal world of Atziluth.
I could say more, but I think that you already have Allat to think about already. Assalam Alaikum!!!
No wonder I always been writing it as ALLAT wen Im tombout ALL THAT. And Allat was good-Brotha. U went in. Summa dat flow konnected me to da mind of BOBBY HEMMITT (who endorsed mah book back in da day). Da Way U break it down to build da Izdom is wut it doo. We need mo of da bredren n sistren on dis thang to peep da Game U droppin fo sho. I def been spreading da werd. Keep spittin it jes like dat.
Wow. Definitely a lot to think about. I’m getting Da Homey in Modern Dahomey first thing next week 👏🏾