Angelo Soliman & Secret Societies as Large Language Models
An esoteric topic of conversation for the 22nd Century Noir Globalist
“Our music is a Secret Order”
- Louis Armstrong, January 24, 1969
The Freemasonic lodge was originally an institution in which European males could learn, and participate in, aspects of North African high culture.
It was an offshoot of the Knights Templar whose grandmasters and high-ranking members were the mulatto descendants of Black Hebrews from North Africa and the so-called “Middle East” (East Africa) who had cultivated familial, political, and economic relationships throughout Europe, the Levant, and Western Asia.
These converted Christian knights known as Templars were free to move through Islamic Muslim lands unmolested because the leadership had family members among the movers and shakers in these locales. You never have to check in with the Big Homie when you, or a high ranking member of your crew, share blood ties with them. How were Christian knights able to setup banking infrastructures in places overrun with Muslims during the Crusades? The truth need not be sold. It sells it self.
Once the renegade Templar order was crushed by the Katholic Church it reconstituted itself to give rise to the stone mason guilds of Scotland.
These builders were highly skilled, but like many brilliant artists, scientists, and technicians, they needed funding to continue their work and maintain the tools of their trade. These workmen resorted to making the aristocrats who funded them honorary Masons even though these barons, dukes, chancellors and kings knew absolutely nothing about the intricacies of building an edifice. Their privileged hands were butter soft from not having to work hard with them to survive. They hired Craftsmen for that work.
Conferring honorary degrees on rich and influential people who haven’t learned your Craft is a way of ensuring sponsorship and brand ambassadorship for your distinct product, which is your culture in many cases. Some West Africans do this today by charging Black Americans thousands of dollars for spiritual initiations and chieftaincies in Africa.
American Blacks eager to connect with their perceived roots pay up and then go back to America and stunt on other Black people by making them think that they’ve earned some royal status or spiritual authority in Africa. It’s often just ego aggrandizement. Pomp and pageantry. I’m not telling you what I heard or read in a book. I’m telling you what I know. In the words of the great Stone Cold Steve Austin, I couldn’t give a rat’s ass what anyone on the left side of the Atlantic Ocean has to say to the contrary.
I recommend that you read The Knights Templar of the Middle East: The Hidden History of the Islamic Origins of Freemasonry for a fuller historical backstory on the Knights Templar.
Angelo Soliman (1721 - 1796) was a Freemasonic grandmaster in the truest sense of the word. Some biographies say that he was a slave from West Africa, but what slave knows six languages? Angelo was a master chess player, swordsman, navigator, teacher and concert composer. He was also the Master Mason of the Freemasonic lodge known as “True Harmony,” which classical musical composers Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Haydn also belonged to.
“Soliman moved in enlightened circles and was well-known around town,” says the Black Central Europe website. “He was a Freemason for five years, rising to the position of Grand Master of his lodge and writing rules that re-shaped Freemasonry across Europe.”
Before I go any further, I need you to understand that classical music is not “white music.” It’s Black music. What we call classic jazz is actually a continuation of the classical music tradition that the Moors gave to Europe. The piano is really just a harp inside of a wooden box with ivory keys attached to it. However, the harp was brought into Europe through North Africa.
The violin has conceptual origins among the Hausa of Nigeria, Fulani of the Ivory Coast and the fierce horse-riding Mossi of Burkina Faso. The ancient language of Burkina Faso was called “Mooré” which has no precise English spelling. You can spell it phonetically. Interestingly enough, I’ve never heard anyone in the Moorish Science Temple teach this truth. ran an article in 2011 stating that Brazilian doctor Dr. Márcia Alves Marques Capella ran a series of experiments and in the process she reportedly discovered that Beethoven’s Symphony Number 5 in C Minor helped to destroy up to 20% of cancer cells in comparison to none disappearing when no music is played at all. It’s been said that music soothes the savage beast, but who first uttered that phrase, and where did that person first get their first life lesson in that truth?
Some scholars speculate that Mozart’s opera, The Magic Flute, was about Angelo Soliman. That is not something that I am certain of. What I do know is that Angelo reformed the Freemasonic lodge from a place where males gathered to get drunk, discuss politics, sports, and engage in idle gossip, into a place where Men engaged in the rigorous study of empirical science, spiritual science, music theory, and art—things that actually hold importance in our day-to-day lives.
Soliman, and other African men like him, created Large Language Models that allowed the rapidly reproducing European (in those times) to participate in the ongoing experiment called human civilization. But what exactly is a Large Language Model?
In the tech world it is understood as a data processing infrastructure that allows artificial intelligence to mimic the Prosocial Behavior of humans by contextualizing the established patterns of observable human behavior.
Toddlers learn how to talk from observing the speech and corresponding activities of adults and children in their immediate environment. A blonde, white German woman can be highly proficient in modern dance and superficially emulate the behaviors, gestures, and mannerisms of Black American pop culture after she has immersed herself in the Large Language Model that laymen call Hip-Hop.
Her experience of Black culture will be purely superficial if her only real connection to it comes by way of the Large Language Model designed to feed her artificial intelligence concerning Black culture.
The Drake vs Kendrick Lamar showdown proved that an LLM cannot compete with a full-blown culture. That talented Canadian rapper is a living, breathing, metaphor of what Western civilization essentially is: an LLM fueled by African ingenuity. Most of Drake’s hardcore fans are non-Black Americans who can only process Black culture within the Data Parameters of the hip-hop LLM which historically, is nothing short of simulated Black culture made palatable to a desensitizing capitalist agenda.
If your non-Black friend “acts Black” and “loves hip-hop” but you can’t have a meaningful conversation with them about Black history, or the more substantive aspects of modern Black culture—outside of pop culture—then your friend is an Artificial Intelligence within the cultural space that you THINK that you both share a common interest.
The original definition for the word “artificial” was not “fake.” It was originally used to refer to any product of Art. When artistry and technical ability unite you have the makings of a bona fide SCIENTIST.
If you are a parent with a house full of rough and tumble young boys full of testosterone and you leave them alone in nature to fend for themselves for years without any supervision, without intentionally initiating them into any of the arts of civilization, then you are literally turning violent criminals loose on society. These boys will grow into hardened men who terrorize innocent people who are minding their own business.
The Father of Civilization has a responsibility to teach ALL of his children—even the crazy ones. You don’t get to bust a nut in a bitch, have her grow a new life from the fertile soil of her womb, and then turn around and say “nah, I’m good. Peace.” If you kill the children off en masse for the sake of your own perceived convenience then you will inevitably be subjected to Nature’s curses for participating in intentional genocide. How would that have turned out you ask?
Just take notice of who is experiencing a steep decline in their birth rates and who is still pumping out babies at a steady rate, today. Who participated in genocide, and who didn’t? A lot of Western European men (in stark contrast to Southern European and Eastern European men) prefer women with bodies like little boys. However in 2025 their daughters are suddenly developing lush, curvy bodies that appeal to Black men and men who have not participated in genocide to a high degree. Many of these young Western European women want babies but their natural counterparts do not.
How do you reconcile these observable social trends with the history of our world? Nature is literally screaming what is to come in the future of planet earth.
Socrates, Plato, Christian Rosencreuz, Rene Descartes, Jakob Böhme, Francis Bacon, Isaac Newton, Rudolph Steiner, and many others like them are artificial intelligences nurtured by the Large Language Models that laymen call “occult secret societies.” These Large Language Models were designed by social architects from different parts of Africa, in different time periods, who lived in relatively close proximity to the ancient and medieval European man.
It is worth noting that ai bots have had a challenging time generating true-to-life images of human hands. The hand is the symbol of human embodiment. It is the primary instrument that allows the human to CREATE other instruments—hammers, machine guns, violins. The ai bots do not consistently generate accurate images of human hands because the ai bot is not EMBODIED and as a result it cannot consistently capture the visual symbol of embodied human intelligence, which is a hand.
Elijah Muhammad’s Nation of Islam was also a Large Language Model custom tailored to reform the descendants of indigenous Americans and enslaved Africans who were forced by their enemies into identifying as livestock and living commodities of Euro Capitalists.
Angelo Soliman of the European enlightenment period is primarily responsible for giving Freemasonry the reputation it has had over the last few centuries for attracting men with great minds and a spirit of camaraderie and brotherhood.
Angelo was definitely a member of the REAL Illuminati who have direct access to The Masters of the Universe.
Published at 7:11 am?! Serendipitously corresponding with the year that Moors settled on the Iberian peninsula. Thank the heavens for this bulb blowing article🫡🤴🏾