The name “Lucifer” literally means “Light Bearer”. According to the National Center of Biotechnology in the United States, that is literally what melanin is, a biochemical grail filled with light.
The Lucifer mythology is a psycho-spiritual gumbo comprimised of multiple characters from humanity’s collective pre-conscious. They include Helel, Iblis, Prometheus, Enki, Inanna and the Yezidi Peacock Angel, Melek Taus, among others.
The Statue of Liberty, which is holding a torch and painted green, is actually a Lucifer archetype. In some commentaries, Lucifer is considered a feminine being because of its relationship to Venus.
“The Morning Star,” which remains a title for the planet Venus, is another name for both Lucifer and the biblical Jesus (Revelaions 22:16). In some old-world cultures Venus is associated with what we now call Friday and the color green, which brings us back to the Statue of Liberty .
The word “Liberty” in the name “Statue of Liberty” comes from the old Latin word “LIBRAre” which means “to free.” The cry for liberty resounded among African American prisoners of war during the Stono Rebellion of 1739.
In Greek mythology the god Prometheus frees Mankind with the gift of fire (vital knowledge), much like the fallen angel Shemyaza does the same for Man in the Ethiopian Books of Enoch.
From the Latin word “Librare” we also get the name for the zodiac sign “Libra” . To build on the Latin word “Librare” even further, we also find that it gives us the word “LIBRAry.”
How so?
Well, libraries “free” the human mind from the shackles of mental slavery and are figuratively speaking, houses of fire (vital knowledge). If a Library is a house of fire, then that would definitely make it a “Light Bearer,” which as I said before, is what the name “Lucifer” translates to mean.
Every time you go to the library you are actually going to a Lucifereum.
Jay-Z has a song a song called “Lucifer” on his 2003 Black Album. It’s very appropriate that he currently has a career-in-review showcase at the Brooklyn Public Library called The Book of Hov. “Hov” is short for “Jay-Hova” as in “Jehovah.”
The Hebrew root in the name “Jehovah” is “Hava” which has multiple connotations. One of the lesser known ones means to FALL, which brings us back to the Lucifer mythos concerning the Fall from Grace.
There is a Lucifereum inside of your DNA. Countless books with endless stories written by your messenger RNA (your personal Enoch you’ve inherited from your bloodline ancestors) are imbedded in your cellular memory.
Artificial “Gene Therapies” are the biochemical version of The Council of Nicea, where biological codes are re-written by Metatron (The Bizarro Enoch made in a sterile lab) to sentence you to spiritual lockdown through synthetically written sentences that deprive you of your Liberty.
Don’t let scientists dim your light by depriving you of your biological liberties through their innoculations that act as unauthorized revisions to the soul. It will surely result in your Fall from Grace.
Really nice title to this posting (it’s also an awesome prompt)!
"There is a Lucifereum inside of your DNA. Countless books with endless stories written by your messenger RNA (your personal Enoch you’ve inherited from your bloodline ancestors) are imbedded in your cellular memory.
Artificial “Gene Therapies” are the biochemical version of The Council of Nicea, where biological codes are re-written by Metatron (The Bizarro Enoch made in a sterile lab) to sentence you to spiritual lockdown through synthetically written sentences that deprive you of your Liberty.
Don’t let scientists dim your light by depriving you of your biological liberties through their innoculations that act as unauthorized revisions to the soul. It will surely result in your Fall from Grace."
This sums up your great work of art here brother. I remember you breaking down this 'liberty', 'librare', 'libra', and 'library' etymological science years ago in your blog and on social media. It was epic then and it is just as epic now (profound to be exact). But we definitely have a Lucifereum inside our genetics. However, the Jesuit Priests of the Vatican are tirelessly working hard to synthetically re-write our genetic codes with nanotechnology. Therefore, we definitely must do our very best not to Fall from Grace like the mythical 'Lucifer' of the Bible. We are indeed 'Light Bearers' in our own right. Great work as always brother. I truly enjoy this short treat. As always, I hope the readers receive the gems like I did.