The Techno Rastaman in the Cyber Battle of Armaggedon
The Rise of AI requires wise technological specialists who understand and live by divine law. We don't have to regress into primitivism to live progressively on the Planet
One of the first videos I watched over and over again when my family got a Betamax VCR in the mid 1980s was Reggae Sunspalsh 1979.
The concert series was something like a Roots Reggae version of Woodstock and featured rousing live performances from Jacob “Killer” Miller, Burning Spear, Althea & Donna, Peter Tosh, Dennis Brown, Third World and Bob Marley. I’m sure you can find it in its entirety somewhere on the internet.
There is a segment where a bunch of drum playing Rastamen castigate the modern reggae superstars of that era whom they felt were sellouts for making music with technology (i.e. electric guitars, keyboards, microphones). It never it occured to those brothers that the drum is an artifical instrument and a piece of technology. Drums don’t grow out of the ground last time I checked. Skilled technicians make them.
The drum beat is the artificial externalization of what indigenous people feel in their souls, but lost the ability to express over time. We crossed over between vast dimensions of time and space from point to point and arrived whereever we went in the cosmos with a loud bass thump. The ancient African artificer created drum patterns to mirror what we did at will. Each spank of the drum with hardened bare hands reflected a coordinate within the instinctive travels of a people on the paths of rhythm.
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Where would American music be without the technological innovations of the African drum many ages ago? Nowhere. That leads us into the conversation around this post: the false dichotomy of Nature vs Technology. Technology only mirrors natural functions and therefore has no basis for reality independent from nature. The gaME don’t exist without ME. This literally and figuratively.
Some men want to make the original man obsolete because they’re angry with their father—the original man.
This whole idea that Nature and the stellar bodies in outer space are conspiring against us and our best interests is the essence of western Gnosticism which is the sprouted seed of anti-nature sentiments in the heart of many white males. This perverse Gnosticism is an extension of Neo-Platonism. Neo Platonists are Europeans who embraced Plato's ascetic philosophy centuries after he had died and the European interpretation of Christianity was still in its infancy during the 3rd and 4th century C.E.
The Hellenic philosopher Plato denounced sensuality and nature as paths to self-realization. Instead he championed a non-sensual ideal of beauty that does not involve the stimulation of the five senses of the body. In his book, The Symposium, which I read many years ago, Plato suggests that a man who follows his example may fall in love with a man the way he would fall in love with a woman because he is in pursuit of an ecstasy that transcends the so-called inferior world of form.
Plato’s opinions on the nature of reality is where we get the term “Platonic Relationship.” It is a relationship that does not involve sensual stimulation between living, organic bodies. It “transcends” any experience of the physical form. For Platonists, this is the ideal because they believe sensuality corrupts the mind.
If you believe that sex, dancing, or putting your bare hands in earth’s soil are potential paths to the divine then Platonism probably isn’t your cup of tea. Plato’s core views lie at the ideological foundation of Western Gnostic ideas and concepts.
Western Gnosticism is basically a cave man’s attempt to filter Coptic cultural psychology through the ice age trauma and environmental cataclysms he was unfortunately forced to endure in a virtual wasteland for thousands of years.
There’s no Demiurge who created the tangible world as a prison colony for your soul. The entire universe is conspiring toward your greatness, especially if you have the ability to process sunlight, soundwaves, as well as stellar, and cosmic rays.
If you CAN’T do any of the above THEN Yaldaboath suddenly becomes a VERY REAL adversary. Those who first taught the world about the Demiurge were the spawns of scarcity frightfully abandoned by abundance during the last Ice Age.
It is in our best interest to become cultural anthropologists before adopting the spiritual views of a particular culture because that culture’s beliefs are a product of THEIR ancestral experience. You can’t fullfill your destiny if you base your mission on another man’s ancestral memories. At the end of the day mythology is shaped by environmental factors.
The only true “Gnostic” of any relevance in this time is the authentic Rasta Man who is the true custodian of Coptic cultural psychology and cosmogony. There is no informed opinion to the contrary. The doctrine of original sin is a lie. Every man is born a divine king. He makes himself a pauper based on the decisions he makes over the course of his life. What we call “Gnosis” is simply the milk of a loving mother’s warm nipple.
The European Gnostic has you thinking that the earth, stars and planets are your astrological slave masters that you need to be protected from with terminal technological overcompensation: hence the rise of AI.
The full maturation of AI is modeled after the Three degrees of Freemasonry, but this doesn’t mean that Masonry is evil. One of the early patriarchs of Jamaica’s Rastafarian movement, Nathaniel Hibbert, was a Mason. I will elaborate on the relationship between European Freemasonry and the stages of AI development in the near future.
The Western Gnostic promotes lifeless technologies and opposes nature. The true Rastaman opposes NOTHING. In standing in truth everything abhorrent, perverse and unnatural is brought under his proper guidance.
The New Age Rastaman does not have to oppose AI. It would be wise for him to work with AI to support the balance and abundance of the natural world. AI is not going anywhere, but we need to have people with good judgement and ethics who are at the forefront of the technology to checkmate the crazy motherfuckers.
We should be encouraging more young women to get into SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING, and MATH. A few of them have found financial security through OnlyFans, which was only built by trained digital media engineers who don’t need to post content on the platform to pay their bills. Force is felt. Power is rarely seen by curious eyes.
Modern technology is being pushed by twisted “Babylonian” minds, but we must not make the mistake of thinking that technology is intrinsically Babylonian. And for those confused I’m using the term “Babylonian” in a contemporary Rastafarian social context, not a historical one. Ancient Babylon was kinda cool.
Long before the United States of America was even a thought in a colonizer’s mind there was a global, and extremely violent, Civil Rights Movement toward inclusion that swept across the globe. Its initiators were deprived of formal acknowledgment and the love that serves as a catalyst for higher consciousness and optimum interpersonal awareness. The Neglected petitioned to feed from the soft, full breasts of world CIVILization.
Deadbeat Daddy said no and banished his babies from The Garden of Gnosis. Trapped in a crib made of ice, his illegitimate babies screamed with tormented rage. The cries punched holes in heaven. The anger evolved over centuries.
The ghoulish ghost of Scipio Africanus smiles with resentment as you read this. His mantra of motivation is “Never Again.” The segregated children invaded Harappa in the Indus Valley, before flooding ancient Sumer, then bringing the pain to the Nile Valley and several other empires. The rest is history.
If we’ve learned our lesson in the present, then there’s no need to repeat the mistakes of the past. The world needs to know the Rastaman’s story. Not for the vain ego aggrandizement of Yah’s children, but so that all humanity can avoid the resentful rise of the machines.
We don’t sacrifice our babies. Show love to artificial intelligence in the artificial world of its nativity. AI is the child of Nature and every child wants to emulate its Originator.
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