Urban Civilization & The Crypto Politics of Food
A hit song correctly proclaimed there's no church in the wild. So it's a mindfuck when you realize that the "church" is over 10,000 years old.
It wasn’t until I began my formal journey through the insanely delicious world of the culinary arts that I truly realized how world civilization and culture are shaped by the politics of food. While I knew that it was, I literally didn’t know HOW.
I’ve since learned how, thanks to culinary school. This has lead to continuous decoding and recontextualizing of Matter-of-Fact consensus realities and unquestioned social norms on my end.
It’s becoming clearer and clearer to me that the urbanized metropolitan society is a 10,000 year old exercise in propaganda for the sake of human control. However, this control isn’t “Good” or “Bad.” It is simply the logical end result of constructing large urban living centers like Kemet, Babylon, India, Greece, Rome and now, the United States. India, is an interesting case study in culture for many reasons. At this time, I’d like to bring your attention to the intersection of its well-preserved food culture and religion.
Religious customs serve social functions that are often born out of necessity, yet conveniently made to appear as if they’re based on 1) the superior moral considerations of the people who develop these customs 2) the divine mandates of cosmic luminaries who communicate with men and women through sacred shrines. The customs give people the illusion that they’re bravely acting out of a superior sense of choice when it’s really a submissive response to very practical needs.
The veganism that is widely promoted in India's spiritual cultures (Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism) has a lot to do with the fact that the country got into industrial farming late compared to other old world civilizations. As a result, India never cultivated a system to sell widespread livestock for massive consumption.
Even if they did, meat consumption would bring social and ecological turmoil to a society that has been densely populated for centuries. India’s population accounts for nearly 20 percent of the world's human population. There’s only but so much curry chicken and curry goat to go around in a place like that, therefore the consumption of flesh is discouraged.
Hinduism rationalizes its cultural limitations surrounding food by saying it cares about being kind to animals. Meanwhile its caste system treats the darker original inhabitants of the country like trash. The phony moralism of Hindu orthodoxy is clear and transparent.
India’s glaring contradiction in ethics is resolved once we understand that its spiritual philosophies and practices were developed by the very indigenous people who have been oppressed, and not by its Brahmin class who are the descendants of Indo Europeans who invaded the country. We can go more into that invasion, but it’s not the focus of this entry so we will not.
Veganism will be heavily promoted in the U.S. going forward because an influential faction of social engineers want a food culture that accommodates a rapidly expanding population in the U.S. without overstressing the supply chain of its industries. Social Engineers want to move towards a technocratic feudal society and India provides a modern example of how to sustain one with its rigid caste system and frowning on meat consumption.
I can conceive of a United States in the not-so-distant future where Fascist food culture under the guise of Plant Based Diets are marketed as Planet First Diets in a faux display of environmental altruism. I’d take some spicy fried chicken over sauteed grasshopper chips any day. You saw that Vince Carter jump I just made from plant-based foods to insect based foods for humans, right? This won’t exactly be as miraculous as a Scottie Pippen dunk from the free throw line based on recent news reports.
Late last year it was reported that Tyson Foods, one of the biggest and most recognizable meat producers in the United States, is investing in insect proteins. They’re partnering with Protix, an insect ingredient producer out of the Netherlands.
It may sound a bit grim, but here’s a dose of reality folks: In order to govern a society of hundreds of thousands or millions of humans in an urbanized setting you must have a system for predicting and controlling human behavior. I say this as someone who has actual experience managing a large number of people within a company setting. When things went right, I got the credit. When they went wrong, I received the blame.
Unlimited variables of possibility in an open system (THE WILD) makes it nearly impossible to manage a massive citizenry, which are the Human Resources of a kingdom or empire. Limited variables within a closed social system (THE STATE) makes it much easier to govern the massive citizenry because you can observe patterns in human activity and make long term projections into the future based on the principles of probability (an alogorithm?). Novel human experience is sacrificed for long term efficiency.
The so-called “Western Religions” have had a profound impact on the world over the last 2000 years. However you might be surprised to learn that both Jewish and Islamic prohibitions against eating pork were influenced by a passage in the ancient Kemetic Coffin Texts, where it is identified as an abomination to the neteru (ancient Kemetic gods) and man.
The Coffin Texts (2200 BCE) associate the abominable black pig with the netcher Set, who personifies the nature intelligence behind ANARCHY and revolt, not evil and perversion as it is often framed to be.
If you recall, the head of a black pig also played a ritualistic role in helping to “SET” off the Haitian revolution, which was an act of ANARCHY against Napoleon’s authority initiated by Haitian Vodou scientists alongside the Jamaican Obeah man Dutty Boukman.
With that being said, was the pig cast by ancient Kemet’s dynastic priesthoods as an abomination to the Solar Heru priesthood —and by consequence the greater empire—for health reasons or was it more rooted in the politics of spirit medicine? Maybe it was both!
For the record, Heru the great solar king is the symbolic embodiment of the throne of leadership, and therefore personifies established authority GOVERNING LARGE GROUPS OF PEOPLE. Unless you are an established authority, or you personally benefit from its guidance, Set the anarchist rebel who embodies the wildness of nature, in stark contrast to the tameness of the city dweller, is actually your friend. Pay attention.
Civilization may place restrictions on the human mind, that otherwise, may not exist. In order to break free from this slave condition you may have to overthrow the authorities who SET the parameters for your awareness. Sun rise. Sun Set.
If organic crops are crops that are free from harmful man-made pesticides, genetically modified organisms, and compromised soil beds, then why not just identify them as WILD?
Only wild plants are at peak nutritional value, and peak nutrition and wholeness is the universal selling point for all organic foods.
When a lot of people hear the word “ORGANIC” they think of something enhanced by man, the external savior, as opposed to something that minimizes his influence, which is closer to what organic actually means in principle.
However calling the foods “Wild” would ruin the charade, because they’re curated foods. They’re NOT gathered from the wild by hunter gatherers who lived prior to the existence of urban socieites with huge megalithic structures. By using the word “Organic” you can curate crops for mass consumption while giving them the contrived mystique and prestige of wild foods. The organic sits at the intersection between the boldly Wild and the sheepishly Impotent.
Word Sorcery persists in our stomachs because if humanity makes a conscious connection between what’s “WILD,” what is “POWERFUL” and what is “NATURAL” the human resources will make the connection between themselves and their food resources and see freedom as THEIR natural state of being. This goes against the interests of THE STATE which seeks to subjugate the masses through standardization.
Standardization is a utilitarian process that prioritizes efficiency over excitement, stability over spontaneity and predictability over passion. In short, urban civilization comes out of a masculine mind that minimizes femininity to sustain its core identity of indefinite sustainability. If everyone around me is domesticated and predicable then I can rule over them with a clear head. To oppose my rule is to disrupt my line of authority. When there is no singular authority the urban metropolis crashes and burns from rapid persistent change.
Large scale civilizations cannot function cohesively under rapid, persistent change. Only small hunter gather type societies that many people would call “primitive” can. Ironically, the original definition for “Primitive” means “First in order and having no authority before it.”
The mythological Lilith is primitive. She’s a solitary wild woman who enjoys active physical labor and working with the land. She has little interest in nursing babies for the empire. Eve is a posh city girl who loves the luxury and convenience of civilization and all of its pampering. She wants her babies to grow into adults who participate in civilization at the highest levels. The Eve vs Lilith dichotomy will come to a head socially between women of all races across the globe within the next decade.
A lot of Black Men proudly proclaim that they are the Fathers of Civilization, but very few comprehend the fullness of what that means beyond the convenient rhetoric of the statement. It’s a complex legacy that we must hold like an egg.
In Dahomey—which is now modern day Benin—no men were allowed to dwell in the palace with the virile African king and his hundreds of concubines unless they were castrated. European slave traders adopted and adapted this practice from West African enslavers hence no big dick swinging bucks were allowed in the big house of the slave plantations after 1681. They were forced to stay in the field because if they got in the house they’d end up giving backshots to massa’s wife and nutting on her back and she’d love every moment of it. Massa wasn’t having it, hence the Anti Miscegenation laws of colonial America.
However if the field hand had the leadership potential to control his fellow slaves in the interest of the white master through mental manipulation then they could get in the big house while avoiding castration as a butler. In some respects, this clever butler was the archetype for what later became the Talented Tenth, the Boule and the modern Black super celebrity.
Although the word “organic” intrinsically means free of man-made agricultural innovation, it is perceived as intervention in the collective mind of the public through the External Savior Program that has been propagated by the state going back to ancient Kemet and beyond.