Continuing where we left off in the previous post Vanguards of the Profits: The Truth behind the U.S. push to ban TikTok we pealed back some layers of propaganda to get a better understanding of Cloud Real Estate and how it factors into the emerging global economic structure.
The Cloud Economy will balloon to epic proportions as access to smart phones with affordable wifi continue to proliferate throughout the African continent which all data shows will have the highest concentration of young people in its population over the course of the remaining century. Youth drive innovation while pushing new technologies into the space of widespread use and popularity.
Cloud platforms are linked to the Attention Economy which treats human attention as a quantifiable resource of monetary value. It almost goes without saying that the ability to divine the future actions and concerns of a critical segment of the human population in an Attention Economy is priceless. The modality for accurate divination readings is processing algorithmic patterns within the ever changing nexus of human activity.
What we have come to know as an algorithm is a tool of speculation for speculators, and speculators are diviners. Let’s be clear about that. The algorithm of data within closed social systems is the conceptual basis for Futures Trading on the New York Stock Exchange. It was a part of Western culture long before the advent of the modern internet and social media.
When we look at the etymology behind the word “Algorithm” we understand that it is an Anglicized rendering of a computational system introduced by Arabic-speaking masterminds. It was appropriated by Latin and French speaking Europeans during the Medieval period after it was propagated by Moorish mathematicians for practical use.
The word “Algorithm” is a fusion of two different terms from two different cultures: “Algol” (Arabic) and “Rhythm” (Greek). In Islamic thought an “Algol” is a “ghoul” which may also be a “Jinn.”
An algorithm is the rhythm of the jinn. Jinn are principalities of the smokeless fire of Islamic, AND pre-Islamic lore, who have access to the past, present, and future. They keenly observe the days of futures past guiding Speculators to clear vistas from the penetrating mount of eternity.
In Judaic metahistories, King Solomon is framed as a wealthy, wise, and prudent man who, despite his moral shortcomings, is able to balance his spiritual wisdom with his economic prosperity. Through his magical ring, which is nothing short of African fetiche tool, Solomon is able to exercise considerable control over the jinn who help him to construct his sacred temple just as they assisted the Kemetic priest architects of the Nile Valley in building the ancient pyramids. The Constructicons of the Transformers cartoon are real. They are HUGE, but they are not made out of metal.
The Bible says that Solomon receives 120 talents of Gold from the Ethiopian Queen Makeda of Sheba. By “Ethiopia” we are talking about the modern country by that name AND nearby Arabia. In the ancient world “Ethiopia” was known to extend into Arabia and India. Even among Turkish speaking people of today the terms “Black” and “Arab” are pretty synonymous for this reason.
After Solomon gives Makeda what SHE requests of him in their meeting he receives 666 talents of gold a year. An ancient rite of passage takes place and Solomon’s evolutionary path is altered AFTER his encounter with Makeda, his personal investment broker.
The base element of gold, and EVERY other element in the periodic table, is hydrogen. This smokeless fire is also the primary element in the composition of all stars that burn.
Archeologists from the University of Hamburg in Germany confirmed in 2008 that ancient Ethiopians gave reverence to the star Sirius. Stars radiate a special gold that is funneled down to earth. Extensive exposure to this gold increases the presence of carbon in your skin as you become a living Book of Radiance. As far as spiritual banking goes, you end up in the Black instead of being in the Red where you are at a universal deficit.
As I learned in chemistry class in college—which I passed—carbon has 6 protons 6 neutrons and 6 electrons (666).
In one school of West African Vodun the presence of the Black body in the form of a shadow implies that divine light is immediately present because we only see shadows when light is being shone on dense molecular mass.
But just because we’re all carbonated it doesn’t mean that we all resonate spiritually with the emissions of the same stars. Not every star is YOUR home. Not every hot investment prospect is for you to invest in. This is why we have tribes which all have their own precious stones and zoomorphic forms based upon our natural alignments in the constellations.
A Blessing becomes the mark of your beast when you don’t know where your best investments lie. You start following dumb shit because it’s trendy and all the Stupids are doing it.
Those who obstruct your clear path to the Crown are willful Adversaries on your blockchained path to coronation by the corona of your sun.
Perhaps your ability to experience significant gains investing in a specific business on the New York, Tokyo, or London stock exchange is based on your ability to tap into the rhythm of the jinn overseeing that business entity.
This is alluded to in the film Wolf of Wall Street where a Wall Street titan played by Matthew McConaughey initiates a young neophyte into the mysteries of investmet brokerage. He teaches him to lock into his passions (his personal jinn) and hold a rhythm in a freestyle. The screen writers weren’t being cute with the hip-hop reference. Freestyling requires the ability to follow a rhythm and adapt on the fly. These are skills of an attentive investor. Check the video below.
The leading investment banking and asset management firm in the world is BlackRock. I suspect the name is based on the possible contents of the Kaaba in the Islamic city of Mecca. Saudia Arabia’s biggest oil producers have been investing in BlackRock since the world economic crisis of 2008 which crashed U.S. housing markets.
The A.I. supercomputer that the global firm uses to provide the wealthiest people on the planet with sound investment solutions is called “Aladdin.” So you have BlackRock being powered by an Aladdin computer. Don’t believe me. Look it up.
According to Black Rock’s website it is a “central processing system for investment management, Aladdin integrates and connects functions that help manage money. From portfolio management and trading to compliance, operations, and risk oversight, Aladdin brings together people, processes, and systems to help support a seamless investment process. Aladdin allows teams across investments, trading, operations, administration, risk, compliance, and corporate oversight to use a consistent process and share the same data. Aladdin creates value by helping to enable informed decision-making, effective risk management, and efficient trading.
It continues that “Aladdin and its risk analytics are relied upon by over 200 institutions, including BlackRock. Clients include insurers, pensions, corporations, asset managers, banks, and official institutions.”
In Arabian folklore Aladdin is not a data crunching computer system. It is a poor man who becomes rich and powerful by using a jinn who serve his desires as his power broker. The jinn are able to access past, present, and future timelines all at once. They process this data and come to reasonable conclusions concerning the given matter at hand for those they serve. What do the jinn get in exchange for making Aladdin richer and richer by the day? They find their own Freedom, because despite their power they are slaves to what they desire.
Here’s something I’ve been thinking about. Is the Aladdin computer serving Black Rock’s wealthy investors, or are the investors serving the Aladdin computer as its personal jinn? BlackRock has become extremely wealthy by reinvesting the assets of the super wealthy. To control the jinn is to control perceptions of your intrinsic value in granting Freedom to the powerful. Think about that.
The jinn help speculators speculate with efficiency and accuracy by granting them Access to Exclusive Value. This is the function of divination. In pre-Islamic Arabia and the Fertile Crescent (which are both extensions of Africa) the jinn were valued for their utility in this respect. The Tuareg, who are the nomadic North African descendants of ancient Phoenician merchants and traders, are well known for working with the jinn to this day.
This divination of the modern investor who carefully reads candles on a computer screen is not altogether different from Islamicized Africans who are still in touch with with their own indigenous magical traditions in Senegal, Ghana, Mali, Niger and Burkina Faso. What Western Occultism calls Solomonic Magic with its Goetic spirits is a recodified, remixed version of West African sorcery brought into Europe by clever, duplicitous Moors who used “Western” religion as politics and spiritualism as a practical means to navigate through life while interfacing with unseen forces.
The Western man on the other hand addresses the unseen and the unknown variables in his life through fiscal security blankets called investments. They allow him to compound his accumulated fortune by riding the ebb and flow of investment markets through accurate divination readings from brokers like BlackRock.
The past is the future and the future is the past. You are never completely separated from the wisdom of your bloodline. The world that is, has been greatly influenced by the one that was—molded and shaped by ingenious innovations in culture.
Today you and I are charged with the task of understanding the psychology of the masters in our bloodlines so that we can adapt their understandings of life to meet our spiritual needs as individuals and then as a larger collective.
There is no coherent political or economic agenda for any serious collective without common core values in place. A great separation must, and will, take place between friends, family members, communities and nations.
Black America must divest itself from the values that have been promoted to it by malific globalists and their Black celebrity slave monkeys. As you can see, the celebrities who lead the way in corrupting Black youth will be punished and humiliated publicly. It’s just beginning.
It is a modern omen reading that we should not follow the path of the Ghetto Fabulous Cadaver who has made himself a host for entropic intelligences that bring cancers to the mind, body and soul of man.
Let’s make it cool to be smart and creative while striving to live clean. The soul is a song, and only by doing the very things that Fools told us was corny will we discover our essential melodies.
Fuck these infidels. Let the rhythm hit em.
This is Hall of Fame level insight! You made me look at the wolf of wall street differently after this. And the Alladin correlation 🤯. Thank you for your service. It's an honor to know you. For real.
Imagine That was the name of the Eddie Murphy movie